Music and sport profiles in primary schools impact on classroom climate and self-concept
In the light of recent changes in educational policy many schools are taking advantage of the opportunity to develop a specific school profile and therefore intending to become more competitive. For this reason schools often use extracurricular activities such as music or sport. In the ‘Study of Instrumental Instruction in Primary Schools’ (SIGrun), the effects of implementing a music or sport profile on the social climate and on different domains of the self-concept will be analysed. Many of the schools with a music profile that were studied are taking part in the programme ‘For Each Child an Instrument’ (JeKi). Also included in the study are experienced schools with a long standing music profile and schools with a sports profile. On the basis of regression analysis in the structural equation modeling framework the impact of attending a school with a music or sports profile on the development of the classroom climate as well as the development in different domains of the self-concept will be analysed. Confounding variables will be controlled.
Keywords: classroom climate, primary school, school profile, self-concept
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