Using the capability approach for researching musical participation Empirical application of a capability-based model of musical participation


  • Valerie Krupp-Schleußner Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover



JeKi, Capability Approach, kulturelle Teilhabe, Teilhabegerechtigkeit, well-being


Many music education programs like for example “An instrument for every child” in Germany aim at giving as many children as possible a chance to participate in music and society. Social justice is the overarching context in which those projects are oftentimes situated. The article presents a model of musical participation which is based on the capability approach: This framework focusses on the individual and considers subjective well-being (life satisfaction in general and with respect to music) as an additional indicator to evaluate and develop social justice.
The empirical application of the model is undertaken in the context of the analysis of musical participation in secondary school (7th grade). Four profiles of participation, based on the intensity of participation and on the satisfaction with musical opportunities, can be identified in the data, which shows that the traditional dichotomy of participation and non-participation must be questioned with respect to evaluation. I can show that the capability approach seems to be a promising framework for music education research.

Keywords: JeKi, Capability Approach, cultural participation, participatory justice, well-being




How to Cite

Krupp-Schleußner, V. (2016). Using the capability approach for researching musical participation Empirical application of a capability-based model of musical participation. Bulletin of Empirical Music Education Research, 7.

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