Prospective music teachers - career motivation and self-image


  • Sabine Weiß Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Ewald Kiel Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München



This study is about the study and career motivation of prospective music teachers. It is assumed that the decision is based on a fit between personal qualities and personal abilities on the one hand and anticipated demands related to profession and qualification on the other hand. The prospective teachers associate expectations, desires and challenges with their decision to become a teacher and make assessments of their skills and competencies. The career decision for the teaching profession has been subject for research for many years. It is well known that the study and career motivation of prospective teachers differs according to types of school and gender. One can hardly make statements whether a given subject or a combination of subjects is associated with a particular motif structure. Against this background, the present study (total sample N = 1384) addresses the decision for a particular profession and the self-image of prospective music teachers (n = 53) and makes a comparison with student teachers of other subjects or subject combinations. It is characterized by differences in some aspects of the motif structure. The subject-motivation of prospective teachers of music as a whole does not differ from that of other student teachers. However, if those who have chosen music as a double subject are considered individually, the higher is its subject-interest. With the choice of music as a subject, higher requirements as prospective teachers are associated - after all, before the start of the study the students have to undergo an assessment. Possibly these requirements are responsible for the reduced importance of the integration of work and family for the students of music. There is a desire for versatile qualification: Obviously, it is important for prospective music teachers to be well qualified for work in out of school settings. The desire to work with children and adolescents, the pedagogical orientation of the motif structure, is comparable with that of all other student teachers. One characteristic of prospective music teachers is the motif to support and work with students with special needs. This includes both, children and adolescents with special gifts as well as with difficult conditions of formation. Maybe music is regarded as a medium to respond to these students. Differentiation by gender shows a greater importance of pedagogical motives in female music students, the same applies to the desire for an integration of work and family. The findings are discussed with the few existing studies and descriptions. With respect to the self-image, described by the self-efficacy and self-assessment based on social skills, there are no differences between students with and without the subject of music. Overall, the expectation is confirmed that prospective music teachers to some extent rely on individual interests, expectations and associated professional demands when they decide to start a study as a teacher of music.

Keywords: career motivation, music teachers, self-image, subject-interest



— Updated on 2024-11-19


  • 2024-11-19 (2)
  • (1)

How to Cite

Weiß, S., & Kiel, E. (2024). Prospective music teachers - career motivation and self-image. Bulletin of Empirical Music Education Research, 1(2).



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